Sunday, June 17, 2012

The whole of the path lies ahead...

Today I considered the past and the future.  I have been alive less than 25 years; aware for much less.  All the mistakes I have made in my life become nothing but stepping stones for my future, and my future is many times my past. 

Often I see people despair as their age increases, and yet I find my life becoming better the longer it goes on.  Clarity comes with age, understanding with experience.  I look back on my past to notice two things: how foolish those things I said in bouts of emotion were, and how I have learned from them and changed my actions already. 

Often it is easy to think that if I could go back in time, I would change many things that I did.  The truth that I now realize is that the mistakes I made (and learned from) made me stronger.  Though it is sometimes terribly embarrassing to consider all that I have learned the "hard" way, it is often those things that taught me the most important lessons.  Time heals all wounds: as time goes on, even those relationships that I had thought irrevocably destroyed are being renewed.  Sometimes the patience required can be measured in years and decades, but in the end it is worth it. 

Press on, burying your failures with success.  Every day is a new life, filled with opportunities to use the wisdom you have gained to avoid repeating the mistakes past.

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